University of Makran
   Panjgur (UoMP)



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Planning and Development

Directorate of Planning & Development:

The Planning and Development Department (P&DD) of UoMP is the department responsible for the preparation and management of the development budget. The four main functions of P&DD are:
1 The compilation of Public Sector Development Program (PSDP)
2 The appraisal of proposals for new development schemes.
3 The monitoring of the on going projects and cross-checking of monitoring data on Individual projects.
4 The development of mid-term plans for the province.

Other functions of Planning & Development Department

1 Planning including policy and development.
2 Co-operation of technical assistance from abroad.
3 Processing of all developments schemes, programs and proposals submitted by other departments and making recommendations to Government thereon.
4 Maintaining liaison with the National Planning Agencies.
5 Equivalence certificate(s) if applicable.Six recent passport size Photographs.
6 Initiation of measures for giving suitable publicity to the Development Plan and educating the public on the results achieved from time to time.